Upcoming events.

Hope Gathering 2024
to Jun 22

Hope Gathering 2024

Join us to listen to compassionate speakers address transgenderism and same-sex attraction from a biblical perspective. This one-day event will give you an opportunity to hear encouraging stories of redemption and provide an opportunity to develop new relationships with other families that understand what your journey. There will also be time for us to minister to you personally through prayer support and conversation.

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Hope Gathering 2023
to May 20

Hope Gathering 2023

  • 1140 Morrison Drive Fort Worth, TX, 76120 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Help 4 Families is holding their 13th Hope Gathering, Annual Conference at City on a Hill, Fort Worth, TX March 19-20, 2023. Help 4 Families was founded 20 years ago to minister to families and loved ones who identify as transgender.

follow the link to register


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The Truth Freedom Tour
to Feb 18

The Truth Freedom Tour


FlashPoint LIVE kicks off its 2023 season in Pensacola, Florida at the historic Brownsville Assembly! This is where the Brownsville Revival of 1995 started, and where we expect to see REVIVAL AGAIN!

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"Trans Wreck: A Cultural Explosion of Gender Identity Disorders -  How are professional Christian counselors to respond?"

"Trans Wreck: A Cultural Explosion of Gender Identity Disorders - How are professional Christian counselors to respond?"

On-site at Seminole United Methodist Church located at

5400 Seminole Blvd., Seminole

Course # 20-967118

1)     Intro: Scriptures for Reflection


2)     Understanding the Proliferation of Gender Ideology in Our Schools, Churches, Homes, and Offices

A.     Define what it means to be “Transgendered.”

B.     Evaluate current trends and data related to Gender Ideology.

C.    Examine the historical precedent for a radical Gender Ideology explosion.

D.    Review current research revealing an increase in mental health issues

among youth.


3)     Identify The Impacts of Gender Ideology on Our Vulnerable Youth.

A.   Examine the gender identify confusion spreading in our nation.

B.   Recognize the influence of Gender Ideology propaganda: 

·     social media

·     education

·     caregivers: child protective services, physicians, school counselors, therapists

C.   Calculate the benefit for Gender Ideology cultural explosion

·     “Medicalization” for heightened profit margin

·     Pharmaceutical payouts

·     Governmental control of our educational system

D.   Understand Current Legislation impacting the spread of gender ideology

and social norms

·     Title IX

E.   Identify Current Treatment Trends and Approaches to Gender Ideology

·     Affirmative Care

·     Castration and Mutilation

·     Puberty blockers

F.    Evaluate outcomes for transgender “affirmative care”

·     De-transitioned Testimonials

·     Research and data


4)   Spiritual Implications and Prophetic Warnings 

A.    The Return of the Gods

B.     A Biblical Response


5.) Risks & Assessments; Consider the Cost

A.     A Christian Counselors Approach

·     Working with adolescents

·     Educating parents: How can parents fight back?

·     Standing for Truth.

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