Help and Referrals
PFOX is committed to helping ex-gays and parents and friends of gays who want help, hope and community. Although our resources are far-reaching, we do not provide medical expertise or professional counseling. Please contact a medical professional for your specific needs.
We are also uniquely positioned to help connect you to a particular organization or ministry that would best address your needs, depending on your personal perspective or a particular religious point of view.
Please know that PFOX does not officially endorse or promote any of the following organizations, but rather provides them for you to evaluate for yourself in selecting a group that would best assist you on your journey.
Help Resources
General Help
North Star – (Latter-day Saint community and replacement for Evergreen)
Courage – (Catholic community)
EnCourage – (Catholic parents)
PATH (Positive Approaches To Healthy Sexuality)
Gender Identity/Transgender specific
Counseling & Professional
Alliance – Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity
Ex-Gay Advocacy
(Ex-gays are often persecuted and oppressed for daring to even exist – the following non-profit legal organizations have provided legal assistance to ex-gays, or the ex-gay community, when the situation is in line with their particular area of law or organizational mission. )