Policymakers and Government Officials
Ex-gays and their supporters live in an increasingly hostile society where they are labeled as perpetrators of hate against gays simply because they advocate for or live out a different view of homosexuality. Since the early 1990’s, gay activists have created a public environment where everyone who does not accept that homosexuality is as normal, natural and healthy as heterosexuality is labeled a “bigot” whose attitudes equate to racism.
Alternatives to homosexuality are often interpreted as “harassment” against gays, even though the individuals seeking to leave behind their unwanted same-sex attractions are merely exercising a freedom to explore answers, or perhaps reaffirm the gender of their birth.
Individuals have all experienced homosexuality differently in their lives. If a gay person’s sense of well-being is dependent on all other people with same-sex attractions having had the same experience that they did, then that person is in a dangerous place. In fact, this is what has caused persecution of ex-gays.
In this climate of intolerance against ex-gays due to their very existence, support for the ex-gay community is interpreted as hate against homosexuals. Courageous men and women who have left their homosexual identity must not be denied their constitutional rights. To give sexual orientation protection to one group while excluding another is outright discrimination.
Policymakers and Government Officials
Ex-gays must be included in the formation of public policy because we have much to contribute to the understanding of sexual orientation. Without testimony from all sectors of society, public policy on this issue is seriously flawed.
Former homosexual men and women, as well as their friends and family, feel threatened because they are subjected to a hostile environment if they publicly reveal their former homosexuality or support of the ex-gay community. Courageous men and women who have left their gay identity must not be denied their Constitutional rights. To give sexual orientation protection to one group while excluding another is outright discrimination, and is unconstitutional.
“Attempts to ban Change Therapy are harmful”
Before you unintentionally support taking away a person’s freedom to seek help towards overcoming unwanted sexual attractions with a professional therapist, make sure you know the whole story.
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